GIACC South Africa
Laying the foundation for a corruption-free South Africa

GIACC South Africa does not investigate or report on allegations of corruption but believes through training and open-forum discussions corruption can be curbed. 

 About Us

The Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC) is an international, independent and non-profit organisation. The main objective is to promote the implementation of anti-corruption measures as an integral part of government, business and project management.

It is only when both public and private sectors implement anti-corruption management controls that corruption can be effectively prevented. 

GIACC was originally founded in the UK in 2008 but operates internationally. 

GIACC South Africa was introduced as an official affiliate in February 2021.

The GIACC-SA aligns itself with South Africa’s National Development Plan (NDP) and National Anti-corruption Strategy (NACS) vision. 

Their vision being:

  • Having an ethical and accountable state, business and civil society sector, in which all those parties of power and authority act with integrity.
  • Having citizens that respect the rule of law and are empowered to hold those in power to account.
  • Having zero tolerance of corruption in any sphere of activity by striving towards substantially reduced levels of corruption. 

The GIACC-SA supports the nine “NACS Pillars”.

  1. Support citizen empowerment in the fight against corruption, including support for whistle-blowers.
  2. Develop sustainable partnerships with stakeholders to reduce corruption and improve integrity management.
  3. Improve transparency by government, business and civil society sectors.
  4. Improve the integrity of the public procurement system to ensure fair, effective, and efficient use of public resources.
  5. Support the professionalisation of employees.
  6. Improve adherence to integrity management and anti-corruption mechanisms, improve consequence management for non-compliance of these across government, business and civil society sectors.
  7. Strengthen oversight and governance mechanisms in the government sector.
  8. Strengthen the resourcing, co-operation and independence of dedicated anti-corruption agencies.
  9. Build specific programmes to reduce corruption and improve integrity in sectors particularly vulnerable to corruption (vulnerable sector management) with initial focus on the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster.